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東京大学公共政策大学院 | GraSPP / Graduate School of Public Policy | The university of Tokyo

The 50th STIG PoP Seminar: GE’s Industrial IoT Strategy: Implications for Science, Technology, and Innovation Policy, Management, and Governance October 28, 2016


Speaker: Mayoran Rajendra, Solution Architect, GE Digital
Open to all, upon registration

GE Digital connects streams of machine data to powerful analytics and people, providing industrial companies with valuable insights to manage assets and operations more efficiently. GE’s overall capabilities help drive digital industrial transformation for big gains in productivity, availability and longevity, by leveraging PREDIX, a cloud-based operating system, purpose built for the unique needs of industry. GE’s digital transformation is not the result of being in the right place at the right time. Instead, it is the result of a structured approach that involved a strong top-down digital vision, capability development, achieving all-round buy-in and a constant focus on innovation. The implications of digital transformation via Iot / Industrial Internet are discussed for science, technology, and innovation policy, management, and governance.

Hosted by:
Science, Technology, and Innovation Governance(STIG), The University of Tokyo