Title: “Supporting ‘Good Trade’in this period of global challenges”
Speaker: Ms. Arancha Gonzalez, ITC Executive Director
Date: Friday, June 7, 2019
Time: 11:30-13:00
Venue: SMBC Academia Hall, 4F International Academic Research Building, The University of Tokyo. (MAP)
Language: English (キャリアガイダンスの質疑応答は日本語と英語)
Co-hosted by: International Trade Centre / Ministry of Forighn Affairs of Japan
Registration: Needed. Please register from here.
International trade has been an engine of economic growth for the past thirty years and has helped lift over one billion people out of poverty. However, the benefits of liberalized trade and globalization have not been evenly spread. According to the 2018 World Inequality report, at the global level, the top 10% owns more than 70% of the total wealth. Given increasing inequalities, the need to foster inclusive and sustainable development is more important than ever before. The question remains: How can we ensure that trade is inclusive to “leave no one behind”?
Join the International Trade Centre (ITC) Executive Director, Ms. Arancha Gonzalez, for an interactive lecture on how we can make trade work for the 99 percent. Ms. Gonzalez will draw upon experiences from ITC’s SheTrades Initiative and Youth and Trade Programme to demonstrate how trade can contribute toward the United Nations Global Goals for Sustainable Development.
Career guidance by ITC and MOFA staff follows a dialogue with Ms. Arancha Gonzalez.
Photos taken during the seminar may be used for public relations purposes.
For inquiry: intl-affairs[at]pp.u-tokyo.ac.jp; inogami[at]intracen.org
*When you contact us, please input @ instead of [at].