This guest speaker seminar is organized in conjunction with Case Study (Public-Private Partnerships), which aims to discuss Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) as a framework for infrastructure development and public services provision. Mr. Hideto Shimonishi from MUFG Bank, Ltd. is going to share his experience in dealing with PPPs in the transport sector in emerging countries.
Date and time: 18:45-20:30 on Monday, June 22, 2020
Guest speaker: Mr. Hideto Shimonishi, Director, Global Advisory Team, Solution Products Division, MUFG Bank, Ltd.
About the guest speaker: Mr. Hideto Shimonishi joined Global Advisory Team in 2017 to act as a financial advisor to Japanese companies’ major infrastructure projects. Prior to this, Mr. Shimonishi was seconded to Railway Bureau of Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT) with a responsibility to promote and coordinate Japanese high speed rail (HSR) projects, such as Malaysia-Singapore HSR, Jakarta-Bandung HSR and Taiwan HSR. He has 15 years of experience in structured finance and investment banking business at MUFG and Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC). Mr. Shimonishi holds a BA and MA in Sociology from Kyoto University and attended an executive education program “Infrastructure in the Market Economy” at Harvard Kennedy School.
Language: English
Registration: No need to register. The online class URL is available on UTAS for Case Study (Public-Private Partnerships) with Course No. 5140488 or 5179002. This lecture is only open to UTokyo students.