Public Management Seminar Series
Seminar No. 4
E-Estonia: Building a Digital Society
Mr. Siim Sikkut, Government Chief Information Officer, Republic of Estonia
Thursday, January 27, 2022
16:00 – 17:30 (Japan Standard Time)
Abstract: Estonia has been making the most of digital technology for building a better government and society for the last 20+ years. Siim Sikkut, the current Government Chief Information Officer for the Republic of Estonia, will introduce the foundations of this journey and lessons learned along the way. Siim will also talk in more detail about Estonia’s next steps (including proactive services and AI-powered government).
About the speaker: Siim Sikkut has served as the Government CIO of Estonia and Deputy Secretary General for Digital Development in the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications since 2017. His role is to set the strategy and policies, and to launch and steer strategic initiatives and regulation in areas of digital government and national cybersecurity in Estonia. Siim is one of the founders of Estonia’s groundbreaking e-Residency program. He was nominated as one of the world’s Top 20 most influential people in digital government by Apolitical, a website for public servants and policy makers.
Venue | Online (Zoom)
A URL link will be emailed to the registrants by the day before the event. The Zoom session may be recorded for administrative purposes; it will not be broadcast. Recording by the audience is not permitted. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation. |
Language | English (English-Japanese simultaneous interpretation will be provided during the seminar). |
Moderator | Associate Professor Naomi Aoki |
Registration | Required by January 25, 2022. Please register using the QR code above or the following link: |
Admission fee | Not required |
Contact for inquiries | GraSPP Research Seminar Secretariat
Email: graspp_eventinfo* (Please replace * with @.) |