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東京大学公共政策大学院 | GraSPP / Graduate School of Public Policy | The university of Tokyo

The Global Impact of the War in Ukraine April 13, 2022


GPPN: Thinking Public Policy Webinar Series No.3
“The Global Impact of the War in Ukraine”

featuring faculty from FGV, GraSPP, Hertie, LSE and SIPA


20:00-21:30 (JST), Wednesday, 13 April 2022


Pre-registration required:


Russia’s brutal invasion of Ukraine in violation of international law and international norms has been felt throughout the world, across multiple domains. The fear and suffering created in Ukraine has led to a new refugee crisis in Europe. Rising oil, gas and food prices, economic sanctions, and supply chain disruptions have thwarted hopes for a post-pandemic global economic recovery. Notions of state sovereignty have been challenged and concepts of great power “spheres of influence” have once again come to the fore.

Will this war fundamentally reshape great power relations and lead to an unexpected new world order? How should we interpret the different responses to the crisis, among the world’s emerging powers? What promise, if any, can global governance and security alliances offer? Which observations and analyses are gaining salience among policymakers?

Join our expert panellists in this third webinar of the GPPN: Thinking Public Policy series, and hear their take on the impact and consequences of the war so far.

Please register here to join the webinar.

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