Don’t miss the lectures by senior management of the World Bank Group! (Only for students)
My name is Hiroshi Naka. I am a Professor at the Institute for Future Initiatives, University of Tokyo, and I teach “Operations of the World Bank Group” at GraSPP (Graduate School of Public Policy).
This class consists of 13 lectures, six of which will be taught by senior management of the World Bank Group (WBG). They teach online from Washington DC, Sri Lanka, or Tokyo through the web (Webex). The six lectures cover the World Bank‘s development operations in East Asia and South Asia, operations of IFC (International Finance Corporations, a private sector arm of the WBG) and MIGA (Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency, a guarantee provider of the WGB), and operational challenges.
These lectures are not limited to the registered students of GraSPP but are open to any students including undergraduate students of U-Tokyo and other universities. Even students of Kyoto University can access the lectures. The target audience is those who are interested in working for the World Bank or in development projects in the future.
If you want to listen to a lecture/lectures, please register at the link below for each lecture.
I hope you will be enjoying the lecture(s). Please don’t miss this precious opportunity for you!
A Webex invitation will be sent to your email account at least one day before the lecture. You can join in Webex lecture by pressing the link in the invitation. If the link does not work, you can get into Webex by typing the meeting ID and password. Please put off the video and mute the microphone during the lecture. When Q&A starts and if you have a question, write your name in the chat box. When I designate you, please unmute and put on video, and ask your questions after letting your name know the lecturer.
Since the planned lecturers are so busy addressing various issues, please notice that a lecture schedule or a lecturer may change suddenly. When that happens, I will email you.
※ If you are a GraSPP student and have completed course registration, you don’t need to register for these six lectures. All you have to do is just proactively participate in all the lectures and ask your questions.
Lecture 1: 8:30 a.m.–10:15 a.m., Wednesday, May 15 (This lecture is the only one on Wednesday.)
“Treasury Operations of the World Bank”
Lecturer: Jorge Familiar Calderon, Vice President and Treasurer, Treasury, World Bank
Open the link to register:
Lecture 2:18:45 pm – 20:30 pm, Friday, May 24 (This lecture is the only one starting at 18:45.)
“Operations of the World Bank in Maldives and Sri Lanka”
Lecturer: Chiyo Kanda, Country Manager, Maldives and Sri Lanka, World Bank
Open the link to register:
Lecture 3: 8:30 am – 10:15 am, Friday, May 31
“Operations of MIGA”
Lecturer: Hiroshi Matano, CEO, MIGA
Open the link to register:
Lecture 4: 8:30 am – 10:15 am, Friday, June 7
“Operations of the World Bank in East Asia and the Pacific”
Lecturer: Manuela Ferro, Vice President, East Asia and the Pacific, World Bank
Open the link to register:
Lecture 5: 8:30 am – 10:15 am, Friday, June 14
“Operations of IFC”
Lecturer: Emmanuel Nyirinkindi, Vice President, Cross-Cutting Solutions, IFC
Open the link to register:
Lecture 6:8:30 am – 10:15 am, Friday, July 5
“Changing Landscape of Aid and the World Bank Group”
Lecturer: Yasuaki Yoneyama, Special Representative, Japan, World Bank
Open the link to register:
When you enroll, please register your name, affiliation, and e-mail address, and tell via which route (University of Tokyo, Kyoto University, or another route (please specify)) you know about this lecture series in the ‘others’ section of the form.
Contact: Hiroshi Naka, Professor, Institute for Future Initiatives,
University of Tokyo (