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東京大学公共政策大学院 | GraSPP / Graduate School of Public Policy | The university of Tokyo

Contributing to development in Asia with professional integrity July 1, 2024

Guest Speaker Seminar , On-campus

A dialogue with Director General Ramesh Subramaniam of Asian Development Bank: “Contributing to development in Asia with professional integrity”


Mr. Ramesh Subramaniam, Director General and Group Chief of the Sectors Group, will present his personal reflections and insights contributing to development in Asia during his career since joining ADB as a young professional while touching on public-private partnerships. This seminar, organized with Case Study (Public-Private Partnerships), is open to UTokyo students beyond GraSPP.

Date & time

Monday, July 1, 2024 | 18:45-19:45


SMBC Academia Hall. 4th floor, International Academic Research Building, Hongo Campus




Please register here.


18:45-19:15       Mr. Ramesh Subramaniam’s talk

19:15-19:45       Dialogue with Mr. Ramesh Subramaniam

About the speaker

Ramesh Subramaniam has been with the Asian Development Bank (ADB) since April 1997. As Group Chief of the Sectors Group, he positions ADB as a regional and global leader in development expertise in ADB’s sectors of operations. He previously held senior-level positions in the Central and West Asia Department, the former Office of Regional Economic Integration (OREI), and the former Operations Services and Financial Management Department (OSFMD). Outside of ADB, he is a volunteer/coordinator at a school for about 170 children that infuse basic yet fundamental human values of Truth, Peace, Right Conduct, Non-violence, and Love in education.

About ADB’s Sectors Group

The Sectors Group is a single operational group comprising seven sector offices that aims to deliver sector strategy, initiatives, and integrated solutions that advance ADB’s strategic agenda in the region and with ADB’s clients. The Sectors Group delivers or supports the delivery of sovereign, non-sovereign, and advisory operations and knowledge services, supports regional departments (RD) and resident missions (RM) in engaging with Developing Member Countries (DMCs), and ensures ADB’s technical leadership externally and internally.

For inquiry

Professor Toshiro Nishizawa | tnishizawa<at>

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