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東京大学公共政策大学院 | GraSPP / Graduate School of Public Policy | The university of Tokyo

World Bank Group’s Strategy for Accelerating Gender Equality to End Poverty on a Livable Planet November 28, 2024

Guest Speaker Seminar

The evidence is clear: removing barriers for women unlocks economic productivity, reduces poverty, and is fundamental to creating a world free of poverty on a livable planet. Here are 5 things to know about gender equality and the World Bank Group.
• Progress on gender equality globally is off track.
• The World Bank has placed gender equality at the forefront of its mission to create a world free of poverty on a livable planet.
• The World Bank’s efforts have translated into tangible actions and significant milestones.
• We are walking the talk, inside the World Bank Group.
• We can all take action to advance equality.

Date & time

Thursday, November 28, 2024 | 15:30-16:30


Lecture Hall B, 4th floor, International Academic Research Building, Hongo Campus


Please register here.

About the speaker

Hana Brixi

As Global Director for Gender, Hana Brixi leads World Bank’s global effort to advance gender equality. She sets the overall direction for the World Bank’ knowledge, operational approaches, and partnerships to improve gender equality outcomes. Most recently, Ms. Brixi directed the development of the World Bank Group Gender Strategy 2024-2030.
In her career, Ms. Brixi has contributed to operational and knowledge advances in human development, public finance, and governance. She held managerial and leadership positions in the Human Capital Project, Social Protection and Governance Global Practices, and in the Middle East & North Africa, East Asia & Pacific, and Europe & Central Asia regions. Based in China during 2001-10, she also served as World Health Organization’s Health Systems Manager and UNICEF Social Policy Chief.
Ms. Brixi has published articles in professional journals and written several books on economic development, including Trust, Voice and Incentives on service delivery and Government at Risk on fiscal management. She holds graduate degrees in physics and economics from Masaryk University and Princeton University, respectively.

ジェンダー・グループのグローバルディレクターとして、ジェンダー平等を推進するための世界銀行のグローバルな取り組みを主導している。前職では、世界銀行の人的資本プロジェクトのマネージャーとして、平等拡大と経済成長のための人々へのより多く、よりよい投資の拡大に向けたグローバルな取り組みを主導した。これまで人間開発、ガバナンス、マクロ経済・財政政策に携わってきた。中東・北アフリカ地域 社会的保護・雇用担当プラクティスマネージャー、サービスデリバリー担当グローバルリード、中東・北アフリカ地域総局および東アジア・大洋州地域総局主任エコノミストなどを歴任。2001年から2010年まで中国に駐在し、世界保健機関(WHO)のセクターマネージャー、国際連合児童基金(ユニセフ)社会政策チーフを務めた。Trust, Voice and Incentives on governance and service delivery and Government at Risk on contingent liabilities and fiscal risk management (Oxford University Press)など著作多数。

For inquiry

Professor Toshiro Nishizawa | tnishizawa<at>
Please replace <at> with @.