October 18, 2018
10:30-11:30/Conference Room, 3rd floor, Ito International Research Center
Round Table Seminar: Mahmoud Mohieldin, Senior Vice President for the 2030 Development Agenda, The World Bank
Round Table Seminar: Mahmoud Mohieldin, Senior Vice President for the 2030 Development Agenda, The World Bank
AY2019 Exchange and Double Degree Programs Information Session
Guest Speaker Seminar: “Corporate Bond Markets in Asia—‘Original Sin’ and Offshore Corporate Issuance” by Mr. Eli M Remolona, Chief Representative for Asia and the Pacific
Guest Speaker Seminar: 「地域社会で鉄道の果たしている役割」 えちぜん鉄道株式会社 専務取締役兼管理部長 伊東尋志氏
Guest Speaker Seminar: “How do we maintain and develop local public transport sustainably?” 両備グループ代表 兼 CEO、(一財)地域公共交通総合研究所 理事長 小嶋光信氏
GraSPP Doctoral Program Student’s “Proposal Review” on 27 Sept.
GraSPP Doctoral Program Student’s “Proposal Review” on 19 Sept.
(Application closed) Perspective on the financial system and legal system in the new era
SciREX Summer Camp 2018: Science, Technology, and Innovation Governance
GraSPP Research Seminar Series / ISS “Russian-Sino-Japanese strategic triangle”
Dr. Anna Kireeva, Moscow State Institute of International Relations