November 29, 2018
8:30-10:15/ 法文1号館26番教室
Guest Speaker Seminar:「国際刑事裁判の発展と課題」
(元国連旧ユーゴスラビア国際刑事裁判所(ICTY) 河島さえ子法務官)
Guest Speaker Seminar:「国際刑事裁判の発展と課題」
(元国連旧ユーゴスラビア国際刑事裁判所(ICTY) 河島さえ子法務官)
GraSPP Research Seminar “Managing Public Wealth(analytical chapter from “The 2018 Fiscal Monitor”)”
Mr. Jason Harris, International Monetary Fund
新しい公共空間管理のあり方 ~Park-PFIと日本版BID~
GraSPP Research Seminar/HSP Seminar “AIIB Today—Its Governance and the Rule of Law”
Mr. Gerard SANDERS and Mr. Xuan GAO
GraSPP Research Seminar “The Republic of Korea Navy, its Modernization and Role in Maritime East Asia”
Dr. Ian Bowers, Norwegian Institute for Defence Studies
Guest Speaker Seminar: 「Efforts of demand responsive transport by utilizing taxi vehicles – case study in Sanjo City, Niigata Prefecture」Kazuyuki Kobayashi, Director, Administration Division, Sanjo City, 「Public transport that supports life in hometown- Efforts by Yame City reserved type taxies in Fukuoka Prefecture-」Matsuo Kazuaki, Executive Director of Citizen Department, Yame City
Career Opportunities at the International Monetary Fund
GraSPP Research Seminar”日中関係の現在と未来:米中朝関係の激動の中で”
Guest Speaker Seminar: “China’s Long-term Growth: Past Performance, Sustainability, and Future Prospects” by Mr. Ichiro Otani, Former Head of IMF Office in China
Overcoming Challenges in a Complex World, Past, Present and Future