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東京大学公共政策大学院 | GraSPP / Graduate School of Public Policy | The university of Tokyo

GraSPP Doctoral Program Student’s “Proposal Review” on July 20 2020 June 12, 2020

Doctoral Program

GraSPP Doctoral Program Student’s “Proposal Review” on 20 July 2020

As a part of  PhD thesis assessments, GraSPP Doctoral Program students deliver research presentation on their proposal of research concept and plan, called “Proposal Review”.

Process for awarding a PhD degree

We are pleased to announce that the student’s “Proposal Review” will be held as follows.

Date & Time: 2:55pm-, Monday, 20th July, 2020
* The review will be conducted online due to the temporary campus closure.

“Essays on Housing and Macro-Finance”