July 2, 2019
First event hosted by WomEnpowered International (WE Int.), a membership association founded by four GraSPP students
First event hosted by WomEnpowered International (WE Int.), a membership association founded by four GraSPP students
First event hosted by WomEnpowered International (WE Int.), a membership association founded by four GraSPP students
PhD candidate Hisashi Kato published an article co-authored with Prof Yee-Kuang Heng and Associate Prof Tim Mackey (UCSD) in the peer-reviewed academic open-access journal, Global Health Governance
GraSPP launches the 2020 Enrollment Information Sessions on MPP/IP
高原院長のエッセー「中国は変わりませんか?」が、『公研 2019年6月号(第57巻第6号(通巻670号))』に掲載されました
Professor Yee-Kuang Heng contributed a chapter entitled Security Risks 安全保障(セキュリティ)リスク to the Encyclopedia of Risk Research (リスク学事典), published by Maruzen Publishing, for the Society for Risk Analysis-Japan (日本リスク研究学会)
鎌江伊三夫教授が寄稿した「医療に費用対効果の視点(上) 診療報酬本体に拡充せよ」が『日本経済新聞2019年6月18日付朝刊「経済教室」』に掲載されました
Professor Toshiro Nishizawa spoke at the International G20 Conference hosted by the Indian Council for Research on International Economic Relations (Delhi, May 30-31, 2019)
Successful Applicants of PhD Screening of AY2019/2020 (the second recruitment)
GraSPP Doctoral Program Student’s “Proposal Review” on 27 June 2019