August 2, 2019
Professor Toshiro Nishizawa spoke on public debt sustainability issues at AMRO Joint Working Seminar
Professor Toshiro Nishizawa spoke on public debt sustainability issues at AMRO Joint Working Seminar
高原明生院長が寄稿した「激動の世界を読む-米中対立と日韓摩擦 負の連鎖生む経済制裁-」が毎日新聞2019年7月11日朝刊に掲載されました
New articles posted on GraSPPers Voice
Professor Hiroyuki Kansaku and Professor Masaru Ono, Professor Tomonori Yuyama published a book “Frontier of Financial Capital Market”(Chuokeizai-sha) was published
Professor Toshiro Nishizawa spoke about regional financial safety net and institutional arrangement for Asia at 2019 Yonsei EastAsia International College Seminar
Newsletter No. 54 (Japanese and English) published
Professors Hideaki Shiroyama and Yee-Kuang Heng presented papers at the IIAS-Lien conference
GraSPP Doctoral Program Student’s “Proposal Review” on 24 July 2019
First event hosted by WomEnpowered International (WE Int.), a membership association founded by four GraSPP students