IMPORTANT NOTICE: Spring semester (S1S2) online classes in AY2020 / 2020年度Sセメスター(S1S2科目)オンライン授業の実施について
IMPORTANT NOTICE: Spring semester (S1S2) online classes in AY2020 / 2020年度Sセメスター(S1S2科目)オンライン授業の実施について
Professor Yee-Kuang Heng presented a paper titled National Risk Assessment Exercises and Existential Risks at Monash University (Melbourne, Australia)
Ray Asada, a PhD candidate, was invited to present her paper at the Yale Modern South Asia Workshop at Yale University, New Haven, USA on February22-23 2020
Professor Yee-Kuang Heng’s article titled Enhancing Europe’s Global Power in Asia was published in the academic journal, Global Policy. Vol. 11 Issue 1, February 2020
【開催報告】 第1回TTPUセミナー「新しいモビリティサービスの実現に向けて ~日本版MaaSを利用者目線で検証する~」(2月21日)を開催しました
GraSPP Doctoral Program Student’s “Proposal Review” on 11 March 2020
Successful Applicants of PhD Screening of AY2020/2021 (the first recruitment)