February 17, 2023
Wonderful experience & warm memories in GraSPP
Wonderful experience & warm memories in GraSPP
Call for CAMPUS Asia Plus Program (Application is open from February 1st)
Dean and his delegation of the Graduate School of International Studies at Seoul National University visited GraSPP
Students and faculty members from GraSPP, Peking University, and Seoul National University visited Obuse, Nagano Prefecture, as part of the CAMPUS Asia Program’s practical course
CAMPUS Asia 2022 Fall Field Trip was held in in Obuse, Nagano
The Delegation of Trilateral Cooperation Secretariat (TCS) visited GraSPP
CAMPUS Asia Plus Program website (Japanese) renewed
Application information for CAMPUS Asia Plus Program now available
The Future of Globalization
日中韓+ASEANの協調―CAMPUS Asia+の目指すところ