Eligibility Requirements
Persons who fulfill at least one of the following requirements are eligible to apply to the MPP/IP program:
(1) Those who have graduated from a Japanese university or are expected to graduate by the enrollment date. (Note 1)
(2) Those who have completed, or are expected to complete by the enrollment date, sixteen years of school education abroad. (Note 2)
(3) Those who have been conferred a degree equivalent to that of a bachelor’s degree or are expected to be conferred it on or before the enrolment date from a foreign university or other foreign institution (limited to those whose comprehensive status of education and research activities have been assessed by the government of the said foreign country or a related organization), having completed a program with a completion period of three years or more. (Note 2)
(4) Those designated by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology or those who have graduated or are expected to graduate by the enrollment from an educational institution designated by the Minister. (Note 3)
(5) Those who have been conferred a bachelor’s degree or are expected to be conferred it on or before the enrolment date by the National Institution for Academic Degrees and Quality Enhancement of Higher Education (NIAD-QE).
(6) Those who are 22 years or older on the enrollment date, whom this graduate school has recognized through an individual screening of entrance qualifications, as having abilities that are at least equivalent to those who have graduated from a Japanese university. (Note 1) (Note 4)
Note 1
Japanese universities mentioned in Eligibilities (1) and (6) above are universities within the boundaries of Japan and as prescribed in Article 83 of the School Education Law.
Note 2
Eligibilities (2) and (3) above include the case of having completed a correspondence program provided by a foreign school of said country while residing in Japan.
Note 3
Those as mentioned in Eligibility (4) above refer to any who has graduated from the following schools or educational institutions.
- The Japan branch of a foreign school as designated by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.
- Specialized training college designated by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (limited to programs where the program duration is at least four years and which satisfies standards determined by the Minister)
- Universities under the old university ordinances, or higher educational institutions (daigakko) under the national/provincial/independent administrative agency ordinances
Note 4
(a)Those mentioned in Eligibility (6) above refers to those who do not fall into any of the Eligibilities (1) through (5) above but have graduated from an educational institution equivalent to a four-year university, and whom this graduate school has recognized, through individual screening of entrance qualifications, as having abilities that are at least equivalent to those who have graduated from a Japanese university.
(b)Those who wish to apply based on Eligibility (6) above must submit all the documents specified by the MPP/IP Desk by December 3, 2024 as the eligibility for application is confirmed individually in advance by document screening. Please inquire the MPP/IP Desk in advance about the eligibility for application and the documents to be submitted.
(c) Those who are recognized as having abilities that are at least equivalent to those who have graduated from a Japanese university through a screening of entrance qualifications will be permitted to apply and take the entrance examination.
The results of this screening will be notified directly by email.