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東京大学公共政策大学院 | GraSPP / Graduate School of Public Policy | The university of Tokyo



[Active Participants Invited] Public Seminar “Transforming our world, Discussion with Professor Jeffrey Sachs”November 13, 2017



JICA Institute is holding a seminar “Transforming our world, Discussion with Professor Jeffrey Sachs”.

“Transforming our world, Discussion with Professor Jeffrey Sachs”

11:15 -13:00, November 29

Lecturer: Prof. Jeffery Sachs, University Professor at Columbia University
Opening Remarks: Dr. Shinichi Kitaoka, JICA President
          Dr. Yoshiaki Terumichi, President of Sophia University
Moderator: Prof. Tsuyoshi Sunohara, Professor by Special Appointment of Sophia University


Apart from the general audience, GraSPP is requested to recommend a few students who can volunteer to comment/raise a question at the discussion. If you are interested please email to the International Affairs Team, no later than noon, Thursday, November 16. If there are too many volunteers the office will choose by lottery. Results will be announced later.

Those who wish to participate as general audience need to apply from JICA’s website.