November 7, 2019
Invitation to MPP/IP Information Sessions in Santiago (11/12), Lima (11/14) and Sao Paulo (11/18)
Invitation to MPP/IP Information Sessions in Santiago (11/12), Lima (11/14) and Sao Paulo (11/18)
AY2019 GraSPP Autumn Diploma Presentation Ceremony
2020 GraSPP Enrollment information session in Tashkent (9/15), Bishkek (9/19) and Almaty (9/21)-Scholarship Opportunities for Broadening Your Career Horizons with Master of Public Policy Int’l Program-
GraSPP continues the 2020 Enrollment Information Sessions on MPP/IP
Students joined infrastructure experts in a training program delivered by ADBI and Stanford University
First event hosted by WomEnpowered International (WE Int.), a membership association founded by four GraSPP students
Final Result of MPP/IP Admission of AY2019
Shortlisted Applicants Announcement for MPP/IP for 2019 intake