August 14, 2020
My precious memories from GraSPP and Tokyo
My precious memories from GraSPP and Tokyo
Discover GraSPP: Info Session & Alumni Talk for aspiring public policy professionals in Indonesia
As a part of MPP/IP and Campus Asia Family
Taking the next step in my career with GraSPP
Discover GraSPP: Info Session & Alumni Talk for aspiring public policy professionals in Nepal
“MPP/IP revolutionized my life by deepening my views towards governance and public policy issues”
Becoming New York tough: overcoming personal and academic challenges during a global pandemic
Final Result of MPP/IP Admission of AY2020 for MPPIP-2010 and MPPIP-2020
A student spoke on ways to enhance technology transfer for industrial cooperation between Vietnam and Japan
Result of MPP/IP Document Screening of AY2020 for MPPIP-2010 and MPPIP-2020