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東京大学公共政策大学院 | GraSPP / Graduate School of Public Policy | The university of Tokyo



Zhansaya Imanmadiyeva’s article published on Asian Development Bank’s knowledge collaboration platformDecember 10, 2021


Zhansaya Imanmadiyeva (Jan), a master’s student at GraSPP, led a group of students at a virtual meeting in August 2021 with Ms. Christina U. Pak, Principal Counsel, Office of the General Counsel of Asian Development Bank (ADB) in the context of International Field Workshop. Jan benefited from a rich and insightful discussion with Ms. Pak and was given a chance to publish an article “Reality Check: Are Justice Systems Just to Women and Girls?” on Development Asia—ADB’s knowledge collaboration platform. The author emphasizes our roles in addressing the systemic obstacles for women and girls, and highlights the importance of promoting awareness amongst peers. Jan appreciates guidance and support provided by Ms. Pak, specialists from Gender Equity Thematic Group, and Department of Communication at ADB.

ADB’s website